Thursday, May 17, 2012

Suing my way to the top

If you are anything like me, you have been reading with hilarity the story breaking this week of an ex-Geelong school girl suing her private school for not doing enough to get her into her preferred university course.

So let me get this right. You didn't work hard enough, or were simply not smart enough to get into law, and you got glandular fever and left the school mid year anyway, and it's all the school's fault. And yes, you seriously think you deserve to be compensated for this?

That's brilliant! So I'm making a list of people that I'm suing starting immediately:

  • My parents, for not giving me the genetics I truly deserve.
  • My kindergarten having toilet cubicles with no doors, I'm forever scarred.
  • The boys at school who teased me for being a poof, even though they turned out to be right.
  • My Grade 6 teacher for not molesting me, as he was hot and he should have at least tried.
  • Suing my private school for pain suffering for closing at the end of Year 12.
  • My first girlfriend for not knowing better that I was gay.
  • My first boyfriend who making me wait to admit you were gay.
  • My local supermarket for being out of Doritos last week when I had a real craving.
  • And finally God, for allowing entitled school girls to occupy valuable media space all this week.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Gay rights are human rights

The debate in recent times has focused upon the notion of "gay marriage". Although this has been a fantastic vehicle for generating support around a cause, it is something of a red herring. The issue here is basic human rights and the fragrant violation of them. The prohibition of marriage among same sex attracted people is but a subset of much more widespread violation of human rights.

The recent support of "gay marriage" by Barack Obama is a major win for the millions of gay people around the world still oppressed by heterosexual rule. From all counts, the debate is growing in momentum, with more and more press coverage of the absurd arguments and coalitions banding together opposing gay people from marrying.

The next wave of gay right must fight for recognition that being gay is normal. It occurs across all cultures despite explicit attempts to make it illegitimate. If we take it even further, there is widespread evidence of same-sex relations across all species. Being gay is not biologically or socially deviant, it is plain and simply normal.

Gay people play essential roles in society, well beyond any simplistic reproduction of the species. We play vital roles in families and in communities. These must be recognised and celebrated for our contribution to the whole of society. Being gay isn't really that fabulous, or anything we need to scream from the rooftops. We just want to get on with our lives, and contribute to the lives of others, without our basic human rights being withheld.